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Updating school facilities is exciting and can seem overwhelming from a compliance perspective. We want to make the process as easy as possible for our districts and their architects.

To learn more about the process, please contact us to schedule a meeting with our team to review blueprints and the required paperwork. We also have included a simple step-by-step guide with all the necessary paperwork for your reference.

Click here for the HLS Handbook to obtain the forms necessary for a School Construction Permit

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. TO SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT TO OBTAIN A BUILDING PERMIT

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En un esfuerzo por servir mejor a nuestros clientes, ROE 4 ahora ofrece citas en persona con el apoyo de un intérprete de habla Español en nuestra oficina. Solicite este servicio cuando llame al 815.636.3060 para cualquier cita de Servicios Regionales. ¡Gracias!