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ROE 4 Connections Newsletter HeaderWe understand that it's sometimes difficult to keep up with all that goes on at a busy place like Boone-Winnebago Regional Office of Education. There are many departments and services headquartered at our office in Loves Park, Illinois, and the beehive of activity that occurs at the Regional Office is ever-changing. 

To help the districts and communities we serve stay up-to-date on events, opportunities, changes, and successes at ROE 4, we publish a monthly newsletter. Inside, you'll find facts, stories, and images. We'll also share information about what's coming up for our ROE 4 teams and partners. 

Click the links below to check out our most recent editions!

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En un esfuerzo por servir mejor a nuestros clientes, ROE 4 ahora ofrece citas en persona con el apoyo de un intérprete de habla Español en nuestra oficina. Solicite este servicio cuando llame al 815.636.3060 para cualquier cita de Servicios Regionales. ¡Gracias!