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Lead from in Between

Lead from in Between

Instructional coaches, department chairs, and team leaders often find themselves between two worlds - tasked with supporting colleagues on the front lines while also existing in what feels like no man's land between district level and building administration. When educational change happens “to teachers”, coaches and team leaders can step-in as figures of stability and positivity for and with those they serve.

In this 2-day active workshop, participants will practice how to create and sustain positive relationships with those they lead. Also, participants will translate their school & district initiatives to achieve the primary objective - increasing student and educator performance and engagement. 


We are learning to:

  1. Identify and tap into our leadership strengths
  2. Identify  the personality traits of others in order to support their growth
  3. Build sustainable relationships
  4. Proactively plan for meaningful team conversations.
  5. Prepare for and navigate challenging conversations and conflict
  6. Understand and utilize models for complex change
  7. Assess our impact as coaches and leaders
  8. Design high quality, transformative professional learning experiences
  9. Curate resources to create a Lead From In Between toolkit

Event Properties

Event Date 06-24-2025 8:30 am
Event End Date 06-25-2025 3:30 pm
Cutoff date 06-20-2025 12:00 pm
Individual Price $550.00
Contact Hours 12
Credit Options Professional Development Hours (PDH)
Location ROE Main Training Room


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