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AA 3925: From the Pitch to the Classroom: Leadership Lessons from the Lasso Way

AA 3925: From the Pitch to the Classroom: Leadership Lessons from the Lasso Way

Participants will work through CASEL’s Adult SEL Competencies through the lens of ‘the Lasso Way’ and the show’s top leadership lessons. They will also assess and reflect on their own situations, creating an SEL-informed leadership mindset and a draft for moving their school or district forward with SEL-related programming.

Location: Embassy Suites (416 S Main St, Rockford, IL 61101)

Presented by: Ryan Wamser & Matt Weld

Event Properties

Event Date 06-11-2025 9:00 am
Event End Date 06-11-2025 3:30 pm
Capacity 75
Individual Price Price reduced from $195 to $50 due to the Area 2 SEL Hub!!!
Location Embassy Suites by Hilton Rockford Riverfront


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