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Co-Teaching and Engagement Reset Info Session

Co-Teaching and Engagement Reset Info Session
This session will provide administrators and teachers with an overview of both the Co-Teaching Collaborative and the Engagement Reset professional learning series. Both programs offer high-quality professional learning experiences for participating staff, robust coaching for participants, and the opportunity to have supported action research to apply what is learned.  
The first part of this informational session explores our Co-Teaching Collaborative. The Collaborative aims to provide regular and special educators with the knowledge of research-based best practices to meet the varied needs of students in co-taught classrooms. Wanting to learn how to leverage best practices in co-taught classrooms but aren't quite sure where to start? Whether you are new to our Co-Teaching Collaborative or have participated for years, the 2024-2025 collaborative will truly have something new for everyone who works with K-12 students!   
The second portion of our session focuses on Engagement Reset. This yearlong professional learning collaborative focuses on how to reengage middle and high school students. With apathy on the rise, and lack of ownership over one's own learning becoming increasingly problematic, Engagement Reset was constructed to answer this call. Designed with the unique needs of middle and high schools in mind, Engagement Reset will help partners explore ways to ensure that students OPT-IN to all learning opportunities presented in the classroom. Educators across the country are competing with devices for students' attention, and these professional learning sessions, coupled with walkthrough engagement data collection and department and team coaching sessions, will surely help hit the "reset" button on student learning! 
Interested in joining us? You must register to receive the Zoom link!
Registration Deadline: 2/26/24 at 8:00am! 

Enrollees will receive a Registration Reminder 2-3 days prior to the event with details including the Zoom link. Hope you can join us!


Event Properties

Event Date 02-26-2024 3:30 pm
Event End Date 02-26-2024 4:30 pm
Cutoff date 02-26-2024 8:00 am
Capacity 75
Individual Price FREE
Location Online

We are no longer accepting registrations for this event.


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