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Student safety is always viewed as a top priority. Our team takes this job seriously as we inspect over 100 schools annually to ensure they are compliant with Health LIfe Safety (HLS) school code.

This process can seem stressful on the building staff, but we are here to make the process as smooth as possible.

Click here for information about what we look for in schools.

If you need to schedule or reschedule an annual visit, we are happy to work with you.

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. TO SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT WITH OUR HLS TEAM

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Scholarship Applications Available

The Winnebago County Retired Teachers Association is currently accepting applications for the Blanche J. Martin Scholarship, the Fred Kunz Memorial Scholarship, and WCRTA Secondary Education Scholarships. Please visit their website at www.winnebagocountyrta.org and click "Unit Info" or stop into the Regional Office of Education to pick up an application or for more information.